Integrate Deposit Feature in your dApp
Estimated feature integration time: ~2 hours*
The following steps are required. If you haven't done so already, please follow the steps in the prerequisites guide:
- Implement logic for extension detection and connection
- Implement logic for vaults & accounts selection
- Subscribe to events
- Retrieve depositable token list from our Provider API and display to the user:
const depositableTokens = await provider.request({
method: "depositableTokens",
params: {
accountId: "kraken-125805-530845-212023-888168",
console.log({ depositableTokens });
// [
// {
// tokenSymbol: "ETH",
// networks: [
// {
// name: "Ethereum",
// network: "ethereum",
// withdrawFee: "0.00061",
// withdrawMin: "0.0098",
// withdrawMax: "10000000000",
// depositEnabled: true,
// withdrawalEnabled: true,
// chainId: 1,
// },
// {
// name: "Arbitrum One",
// network: "arbitrumone",
// withdrawFee: "0.0001",
// withdrawMin: "0.0008",
// withdrawMax: "9999999",
// depositEnabled: true,
// withdrawalEnabled: true,
// chainId: 42161,
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// tokenSymbol: "BTC",
// networks: [
// {
// name: "BNB Smart Chain",
// network: "bsc",
// withdrawFee: "0.0000039",
// withdrawMin: "0.0000078",
// withdrawMax: "10000000000",
// depositEnabled: true,
// withdrawalEnabled: true,
// chainId: 56,
// },
// ],
// },
// ];
- When the user selects a token, you can retrieve available deposit chains for the token:
const depositableChains = await provider.request({
method: "getNetworks",
params: {
accountId: "kraken-125805-530845-212023-888168",
tokenSymbol: "BTC",
opts: {
toDeposit: true,
console.log({ depositableChains });
// [
// {
// name: "Ethereum",
// network: "ethereum",
// withdrawFee: "0.00061",
// withdrawMin: "0.0098",
// withdrawMax: "10000000000",
// depositEnabled: true,
// withdrawalEnabled: true,
// chainId: 1,
// },
// {
// name: "Arbitrum One",
// network: "arbitrumone",
// withdrawFee: "0.0001",
// withdrawMin: "0.0008",
// withdrawMax: "9999999",
// depositEnabled: true,
// withdrawalEnabled: true,
// chainId: 42161,
// },
// ]
- When the user selects a chain, you can retrieve deposit address for the token and chain:
const depositAddress = await provider.request({
method: "deposit",
params: {
vaultId: "740351-125805-530845-212023-888168",
accountName: "Kraken 1",
tokenSymbol: "BTC",
network: "Bitcoin", // use the "network" value from "depositableChains" response
console.log({ depositAddress });
// {
// "address": "38qBNk335MXzC5bS3pT16ouArBypiJ7xki",
// "network": "bitcoin",
// "tokenSymbol": "BTC"
// }
* The estimated integration time is for a project that already has UI components for a similar DeFi deposit feature.