Providers Package
Provider API Reference
Read Methods

Read methods

Read methods do not manipulate user balances on CEX, you can use them without users' approval.


Connect the wallet

provider.request({ method: "connect" });

You can check if is connected by using the provider's embedded method getIsUnlocked.

const isUnlocked = provider.getIsUnlocked();

Disconnect the wallet

You are now able to disconnect the wallet by using the disconnect method.


Fast onboarding

In case the user has installed, but the vault is not setup yet, the connect method will throw a Not initialized error.

Instead of handling this error, using the onboard parameter, the dApp can decide to redirect the user to the fast onboarding flow.

provider.request({ method: "connect", params: { onboard: true } });

How does it work?

Fetch vaults with CEX accounts

In order to fetch all available vaults with CEX accounts, you should use:

  • method: vaults
  • params: {}, can be ommited
  • response structure: Promise<VaultItem[]>, see VaultItem for details.

This method returns all vaults. You can also call the vaultAccounts method with a vaultId parameter to retrieve information on a single vault.

await provider.request({method: "vaults"});

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Fetch active vault ID

To fetch the user's active vault, you should use:

  • method: activeVault
  • params: {}, can be ommited
  • response structure: Promise<string>.
await provider.request({method: "activeVault"});

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Get the environment

As supports demo environment without real CEX keys, you can use this method to check if the user is in the demo environment.

  • method: getEnvironment
  • params: {}, can be ommited
  • response structure: Promise<"DEMO" | "PROD">.
await provider.request({method: "getEnvironment"});

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Fetch supported exchanges

In order to fetch all supported exchanges, you should use:

  • method: supportedExchanges
  • params: {}, can be ommited
  • response structure: Promise<ExchangeInfo[]>, see ExchangeInfo for details.
await provider.request({method: "supportedExchanges"});

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User's exchange account

User's transactions

To fetch user's transactions on a given exchange, use:

  • method: transactions
  • params:
  vaultId: string,
  accountIds?: string[],
  tokenSymbol?: string,
  txType?: "deposit" | "withdrawal" | "trade",
  startTime?: number,
  pageCount?: number,
  pageIndex?: number
  • response structure: Promise<Transaction[]>, see Transaction for details.
await provider.request({
  method: "transactions", params: { 
    vaultId: "740351-125805-530845-212023-888168",
    accountIds: ["Binance-1", "MyCoinbase"],
    tokenSymbol: "ETH", // optional
    txType: "deposit", // optional
    startTime: 1618560000000, // optional
    pageCount: 10, // optional
    pageIndex: 1 // optional

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User's fungible balances

To fetch user's balances on a given exchange, use the balances method:

  • method: balances
  • params: { vaultId: string; accountId?: string[], walletTypes?: WalletType[] }, check WalletType for details
  • response structure: Promise<GroupedBalancesByAccount>, see GroupedBalancesByAccount for details.
await provider.request({
  method: "balances", 
  params: { 
    vaultId: "740351-125805-530845-212023-888168",
    accountId: ["Binance 1"],
    walletTypes: ["spot", "margin"], // optional

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User's NFTs

Currently, we support fetching NFTs only for Binance accounts.

To fetch user's NFTs on a given exchange, use:

  • method: nfts
  • params: { accountId: string }
  • response structure: Promise<{ nfts: Nft[]; total: number; }>, see Nft for details.
await provider.request({
    method: "nfts", 
    params: { 
      accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",

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Exchange's public data

Despite the fact that this is a public API, some exchanges require authentication. Therefore, accountId parameter is needed even in public methods.

Exchange market pairs

To fetch all available market pairs on a given exchange, use:

  • method: getMarketPairs
  • params: { accountId: string; }
  • response structure: Promise<MarketPair[]>, see MarketPair for details.
await provider.request({
 method: "getMarketPairs", 
 params: { 
   accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",

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If you need to get the average prices with all values provided in dollars, use:

  • method: getPrices
  • response structure: Promise<{[tokenSymbol: string]: number}>.
await provider.request({
 method: "getPrices",

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Get market rate

If you look for precise market rate on a given market pair, use:

  • method: getMarketRate
  • params: { accountId: string; pairSymbol: string }
  • response structure: Promise<MarketRate>, see MarketRate for details.
await provider.request({
  method: "getMarketRate", 
  params: { 
    accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",
    pairSymbol: "ETH/USDT"

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Depositable tokens

To fetch all depositable tokens on a given exchange and token, use:

  • method: depositableTokens
  • params: { accountId: string }
  • response structure: Promise<DepositableToken[]>, see DepositableToken for details.
await provider.request({
 method: "depositableTokens", 
 params: { 
   accountId: "kraken-125805-530845-212023-888168",

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Depositable chains

To fetch all available deposit networks/chains on a given exchange and token, use:

  • method: getNetworks
  • params: { accountId: string; tokenSymbol: string, opts: { toDeposit?: boolean, toWithdraw?: boolean } }
  • response structure: Promise<MarketNetwork[]>, see MarketNetwork for details.

At present, we offer unified network names and chainIds (EIP-155) only for 6 exchanges. If the chain is not EVM or the exchange is not yet mapped, chainId is equal to -1. Please use the "name" property from the response as a label to show to the user, and the "network" property for the "deposit" method.

await provider.request({
 method: "getNetworks",
 params: {
   accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",
   tokenSymbol: "1INCH",
   opts: {
     toDeposit: true

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To fetch the deposit address for a given exchange, token and network/chain, use:

  • method: deposit
  • params:
  accountId: string;
  tokenSymbol: string;
  network: string; // optional on some CEXs (Coinbase)
  • response structure: Promise<DepositAddress>, see DepositAddress for details.
await provider.request({
 method: "deposit", 
 params: { 
   accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",
   tokenSymbol: "BTC",
   network: "bitcoin" // use the "network" value from "depositableChains" response

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Withdrawable tokens

To fetch all withdrawable tokens on a given exchange and token, use:

  • method: withdrawableTokens
  • params: { accountId: string, network?: string } - if you want to get balances for a specific network, you can pass the network as a parameter. If not, the method will return the balances for all available networks.
  • response structure: Promise<GroupedBalances[]>, see GroupedBalances for details.
await provider.request({
 method: "withdrawableTokens", 
 params: { 
   accountId: "kraken-125805-530845-212023-888168",
   network: "ethereum"

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Withdrawable chains

To fetch all available withdraw networks/chains on a given exchange and token, use:

  • method: getNetworks
  • params: { accountId: string; tokenSymbol: string }
  • response structure: Promise<MarketNetwork[]>, see MarketNetwork for details.
await provider.request({
 method: "getNetworks",
 params: {
   accountId: "kraken-125805-530845-212023-888168",
   tokenSymbol: "BTC",
   opts: {
     toWithdraw: true

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Withdraw by ID

To retrieve a withdrawal by its ID, use:

  • method: getWithdrawalById
  • params:
  accountId: string;
  withdrawalId: string;
  tokenSymbol: string;
  timestamp: number;

Some exchanges require a time window to retrieve withdrawals, that's why the timestamp parameter is mandatory. We set the window to +-1 second from the provided timestamp.

  • response structure: Promise<Transaction>, see Transaction for details.
await provider.request({
 method: "getWithdrawalById",
 params: {
   accountId: "coinbase-125805-530845-212023-888168",
   withdrawalId: "123456789",
   tokenSymbol: "AVAX",
   timestamp: 1695649587093,


Open orders

To fetch all open orders on a given exchange, use:

  • method: openOrders
  • params:
  accountId: string;
  pairSymbol?: string; // optional
  since?: number; // optional
  limit?: number; // optional
  • response structure : Promise<Order[]>, see Order for details.
await window.cede.request({
  method: "openOrders",
    params: {
      accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",

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Retrieve an order

To retrieve an order on a given exchange, use:

  • method: retrieveOrder
  • params:
  accountId: string;
  pairSymbol: string;
  orderId: string;
  • response structure : Promise<Order>, see Order for details.
await window.cede.request({
  method: "retrieveOrder",
    params: {
      accountId: "binance-125805-530845-212023-888168",
      orderId: "13961687298",
      pairSymbol: "ETH/USDT",